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two schoolgirls in uniform walking down the stairs

 School admissions 

This section aims to explain the school applications process.
From catchment information to school applications, moving schools and appeals; find out more about the admissions process on this page.

School admissions

Find information relating to all schools in Northumberland and their admissions policies below.  


If your child wants to attend a first or primary setting, you can find out all the information about our admissions process.












Admissions handbooks:
Click here to read the admissions handbooks for first, primary, middle, high and secondary schools.

Click here for advice on the admission of summer born babies  (Department for Education)


Further information about admissions, places and appeals can be found on the Northumberland County Council website by clicking here.



Choice Advisor

Northumberland County Council employs a Choice Advisor to support families with independent information around school places. To access this service, please send an email to the school admissions team.

School admissions fact sheet cover image

You are in Education & schools > School admissions (this page)
Other useful areas in this section:


 What is SEND? 

Two people outside together

 Education Health Care    Plans (EHCPs) 


 School exclusions 

Homework Help

 Elective Home Education 


 Support for children    with SEND in schools 

Student packing their backpack

 Transition - Moving on 

 Education other than at    school (EOTAS) 

Teacher and Student

 Services who offer    support 

school child in taxi

 School transport 

Children at School

 Schools in    Northumberland 

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