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Social Care

Social care support may be available to help, including provision of social work support, early help, respite support/short breaks.
This page tells you about social care services for children and young people with SEN and disabilities, and their families.

Social care


Not all disabled children need social work help and support. Despite the name, learners with Education Health & Care Plans (EHCPs) often do not need ongoing social work support. 


Where it is needed, social work support is provided by two main services, and within these services there are some specialist teams who will provide support as and when necessary:


  • Children’s Social Work, including teams for Disabled Children

  • Looked After Children and Care Leavers



Adult Social Care


Social care can also help to provide or arrange support packages and short breaks where these have been assessed as being needed.


​We have created the following sub-sections to help you navigate through this section and find the information and advice you need.



We have created the following sub-sections to help you navigate through this section and find the information and advice you need.

Sad children

 Are you worried about   a child or young   person's safety? 


 Moving to Adult Social   Care 

Parents with Child

 Short breaks 

Casual Discussion

 Social work teams 

Kids at school

 Early Help Teams 

Shaking Hands in the Office

 Social Care SEND    Coordinators 

Paraplegic Sporting Event

 Disabled Children's Team (DCT) 

College Recreation

 Northumberland    Adolescent Services 

Other useful links

Doctor Talking to Boy in Wheelchair

 Health services 


 Information, advice and   support 

Man on Mobile Phone

 Have your say 

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