Early Years and Childcare Settings in Northumberland
There are a variety of different Early Years and Childcare Settings in Northumberland. The Early Years Foundation Stage Framework is the legal framework for children’s early education aged 0 – 5 years. This framework is clear that ‘every child deserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential.’ This Framework guides the work of all Early Years Settings in Northumberland. In addition, all Early Years Settings must be registered with Ofsted.
Early Years and Childcare Settings in Northumberland
You can find out more about the EYFS Framework by clicking here.​
There are two main types of Early Years and Childcare Setting – home based childcare and group-based.​
Home-based childcare includes registered childminders and childcare in a home environment.​
Group based childcare includes day nurseries, playgroups, pre-schools and a school nursery. ​​
Early Years Settings can vary a lot in terms of what they offer. It's therefore helpful to think about what you need for your child. For example:​
Do you need care all year round or only in term time?​
What days of the week and hours will you need childcare for?​
What kind of flexibility are you looking for? Will you need an early morning start in order for you to get to work for example, and will you need a lunch club?​
Considering these things will help you to choose what type of Early Years Setting is best for you and your child. ​
It's a good idea to make a shortlist of Early Years Settings and then visit them to get a better idea of what they offer and how they will support your child. If your child has additional needs and/or SEND you may also wish to take the opportunity to talk to the SENCo. Look around the setting when you visit and ask about the activities children routinely do. Consider the following when you visit each setting:​
Do you anticipate any difficulties for your child in doing a particular activity or accessing a particular space?​
What might help your child to take part?​
Ask the SENCo if they have experience of supporting children who present in a similar way to your child. What kind of support did they find worked well?​
Can the setting show you examples of adjustments being made to support other children with additional needs?​
What specific training have staff had to support children with additional needs and/or SEND? If your child needs particular health and/or care support, the setting may need to identify and access the training before your child starts, for example to meet any medical or communication needs.​
How would the setting ensure that your child has the same quality play and learning opportunities as other children?​
How will your child's progress be recorded and shared with you?​
If your child has physical or sensory needs, talk to staff about whether you need an ‘environment audit’ to be done by an appropriate professional who is working with your child​
You can find details of all the local registered Early Years and Childcare providers in Northumberland by clicking here to access the Northumberland Families Information Service.​