Social Care SEND CoordinatorsÂ
When a child or young person is going through the process of obtaining an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), support is available.
Even if a child or young person is not open to an early help or social work team, further help is available - find out more details here.
Social Care SEND Coordinators
The role of a Social Care SEND Coordinator is to contact the parents of children/young people that are going through the process of obtaining an Education Health and Care Plan who are not open to an early help or a social work team.
When a Social Care SEND Coordinator contacts you, they will gather information about your child's social care needs. This includes asking you about what your child enjoys doing and what barriers they may face accessing activities in the community. They will also ask you what you think needs to happen for your child in the future.
They will offer advice and signpost you to the universal and targeted services that are available in Northumberland.
How to contact us